zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

How to Decrease Your Skin Cancer Risks

This is an article I found a while ago. It is not written by me, but still very helpfull I think!

No one can really know for sure whether he or she will develop skin cancer. But some activities you engage in can increase your risk of developing skin cancer, while other choices you make can decrease your chances of developing it. Even though you may have many risk factors in your life, you may never develop the disease.

The good news about skin cancer is that it is rarely fatal and skin cancer is not responsible for many deaths. It's still important to be on the lookout for signs of skin cancer and to treat it early though.
The biggest reason most people get skin cancer is that they have had too much exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Tanning beds can also pose a risk to people if they overdo it in getting that attractive tanned appearance they desire. Sun lamps too pose a health risk if used to access.
Those at greatest risk of developing skin cancer from exposure to the sun are people with light complexions. The kind of skin that freckles easily is at an even greater risk when exposed to too much sun. These people often have blonde or red hair.
Skin cancer usually doesn't show up until a person reaches the age of 50, but sun damage is cumulative over a person's entire lifetime. That means you should go easy on on getting that perfect tan and be sure to use lots of sunscreen when you are outside -- especially at the beach.  Choose a sunscreen with a high SPF value for maximum protection. Don't forget to re-apply sunscreen as it wears off during the day. The sun causes the most damage between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM, so try to avoid those hours for suntanning as much as possible.
Wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the sun if you are outside a lot.
Another factor to figure in as to your particular risk factor for developing skin cancer is your family health history. Have other members of your family developed skin cancer? Usually people who have skin cancer also have family members who have had skin cancer as well.
Here's another extremely important health tip to help you avoid skin cancer. Examine the skin on your body about every three months to see if there are any moles or growths that are changing in color or size or texture.
Reduce your own personal risk of developing skin cancer by following the tips in this article. There is no ironclad guarantee that you will never develop skin cancer, but it's always wise to decrease your risk factor. And the tip about examining your skin and noticing changes in suspicious-looking growths may save you from experiencing a lot of trouble in the future.
This health guide for helping you to avoid skin cancer risks will also help you from forming excess wrinkles. That's because too much sun exposure creates wrinkles over a period of time.
So guard your skin and enjoy the benefits of protecting yourself from skin cancer's devastating effects.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. got my skin checked 1 month ago

  2. Useful info, especially because my family is prone to skin cancer. Thanks!

  3. meh... risk factors are statistics that work on the level of a population but are meaningless to the individual... nobody knows what their "risk" is, and the truth is, someone who got skin cancer has always had a 100% chance of getting skin cancer, and didn't know it, and a person who does not get skin cancer has always had a zero percent chance, regardless of how much sunlight he exposed himself to...

  4. I got a few bad sunburns as a kid. I'm pretty sure that means I'll have skin cancer when I get older.
